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  • Burned-in, precision matched power tubes
  • Vintage US and Euro tubes, including guitar tubes and rare triodes
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  • Vintage audio repair services in Twin Cities Metro area, specializing in tube audio and turntables. Our shop is available by appointment. Contact us.
  • Authorized Ortofon, Grado, and Cardas dealer.

Featured items

GE JAN 6080 - black plates
GE JAN 6080 - black plates
Price: $39.00
GE JAN 6080 - black plates
This GE 6080 dual triode power tube is a ruggedized 6AS7G tube type. It has black plates, top getters, and a metal collar base. The green print on the glass reads "GE JAN-6080WC." Tube tests as new with low noise.
Svetlana SED
Svetlana SED "Winged C" 6550C - matched octet
Price: $929.00
Svetlana SED "Winged C" 6550C - matched octet
The Svetlana / SED 6550C tubes in this matched octet (8) were made in St. Petersburg, Russia in 2008. The etched print on the glass has the Svetlana logo and OTK factory mark. All eight tubes are matched for current draw (47.0 mA) and Gm (6400 = 100%).
RCA 12AX7 - long black plates, phono grade
RCA 12AX7 - long black plates, phono grade
Price: $149.00
RCA 12AX7 - long black plates, phono grade
This 1957 RCA 12AX7 tube has long black plates and a slanted D getter. The white print on the glass has the RCA logo. Tube tests as new with phono / V1 grade noise levels.
RCA 6FQ7 / 6CG7 - side getter, matched pair
RCA 6FQ7 / 6CG7 - side getter, matched pair
Price: $109.00
RCA 6FQ7 / 6CG7 - side getter, matched pair
The 1973 RCA 6FQ7 / 6CG7 tubes in this precisely matched pair have gray plates, side getters, and clear tops. The red print on the glass has the RCA logo. Both tubes test as new with balanced sections.
Telefunken EF86 - silver plate
Telefunken EF86 - silver plate
Price: $189.00
Telefunken EF86 - silver plate
This 1972 Telefunken EF86 tube has silver plates and a halo getter. The base has the diamond imprint in the glass. Tube tests as new with very low noise.
Amperex PQ 6922 / E88CC - gold pins, phono grade
Amperex PQ 6922 / E88CC - gold pins, phono grade
Price: $119.00
Amperex PQ 6922 / E88CC - gold pins, phono grade
This 1965 Amperex 6922 / E88CC tube was made in USA (New York factory code) and has the PQ label, indicating that it was selected for special quality. It has gold pins and a large O getter. Tube tests as new with phono grade noise levels.
RCA 5V4G - ST bottle
RCA 5V4G - ST bottle
Price: $44.00
RCA 5V4G - ST bottle
This 1957 RCA 5V4G rectifier tube has an ST bottle, black plates, and a bottom D getter. The silver print on the base has the RCA logo. Tube tests as new and ships in its original box.

TC Tubes specializes in precision testing and matching of vintage and new production vacuum tubes for guitar & bass players, audiophiles, and DIY tube audio enthusiasts. Our website features secure payment options and fast, convenient shipping around the world.

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